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How to Grill a Whole Chicken: A Guide to Juicy and Flavorful Delights

Grilling a whole chicken is a wonderful way to showcase your culinary skills and create a centerpiece dish that impresses family and friends. The combination of crispy skin and tender, juicy meat makes it a delightful experience for any barbecue or outdoor gathering. In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step process of grilling a whole chicken to perfection, ensuring a flavorful and memorable meal.

What is a spatchcocked chicken ?

The first question to ask yourself when preparing to grill a whole chicken, is whether you want to spatchcock the chicken or not, it’s personal preference really, but there are some advantages.

Spatchcocked chicken, also known as butterflied chicken, refers to a preparation technique where the chicken’s backbone is removed, allowing it to be flattened before cooking. The alternative is cooking a whole chicken without spatchcocking it. Let’s compare the two methods:

  1. Cooking Time: Spatchcocking a chicken reduces the cooking time significantly compared to cooking a whole chicken. Flattening the chicken exposes more surface area to direct heat, resulting in faster and more even cooking. This can be advantageous when you want to save time or achieve a crispier skin.
  2. Even Cooking: Spatchcocking promotes even cooking throughout the chicken. Since the chicken is flattened, the thickness of the breast and thighs is more uniform, ensuring that they cook at the same rate. This can help avoid the common issue of overcooked breasts and undercooked thighs when cooking a whole chicken.
  3. Crispy Skin: Spatchcocking allows for better crisping of the chicken’s skin. The flattened position of the chicken exposes the skin to direct heat, resulting in a more evenly browned and crispy skin texture. If you enjoy crispy skin, spatchcocking is a great technique to achieve this.
  4. Juiciness: While spatchcocking can result in slightly faster cooking times and crispier skin, there is a potential trade-off in terms of juiciness. Since the chicken is exposed to higher direct heat, there is a chance that it can dry out more quickly compared to a whole chicken. However, proper cooking techniques, such as monitoring the internal temperature and removing the chicken from the grill when it reaches the recommended temperature, can help maintain juiciness.
  5. Presentation: Spatchcocked chicken often has a more appealing presentation due to its flattened shape. The chicken lies flat on the grill, making it easier to handle and carve into serving portions. This can make it more visually appealing when presented on a platter.

Ultimately, both spatchcocked and non-spatchcocked whole chickens can be delicious and satisfying. Spatchcocking is a technique that offers the advantages of faster cooking time, even cooking, and crispier skin. However, if you prefer the traditional presentation of a whole chicken or are willing to adjust cooking times and techniques, cooking a whole chicken without spatchcocking can still result in a flavorful and juicy dish. Choose the method that best suits your preferences, time constraints, and desired outcome for a delightful grilled chicken experience.

How to Grill a Whole Chicken

1. Choosing the Right Chicken:
Start by selecting a fresh, high-quality whole chicken from a trusted source. Aim for a chicken weighing around 3 to 4 pounds, which is an ideal size for grilling.

2. Preparing the Chicken:
– Rinse the chicken under cold water and pat it dry with paper towels.
– Trim any excess fat and remove the giblets from the cavity, if included.
– Season the chicken generously with salt, pepper , and garlic powder both inside and outside the cavity.

3. Optional: Marinating or Seasoning:
– For added flavor, consider marinating the chicken in your favorite marinade for at least a few hours or overnight in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can season the chicken with a dry rub of herbs and spices. This step is optional but can enhance the taste and juiciness of the grilled chicken.

4. Preheating the Grill:
– Preheat your grill to medium heat, approximately 350°F to 400°F (175°C to 200°C). Ensure that you have both direct and indirect heat zones on the grill for better control during cooking. For more smoke, add a light flavored wood to enhance the grilled flavor. Check this article for more

5. Indirect Grilling Method:
– Place the seasoned or marinated chicken on the grill, directly over the indirect heat zone. This allows the chicken to cook more slowly and evenly, preventing excessive charring or drying out.
– Close the grill lid to retain heat and promote even cooking.

6. Monitoring/ Basting and Flipping:
– After about 30 minutes of cooking, flip the chicken using tongs or grill-safe gloves. This helps to ensure even browning and cooking on both sides.

-If you are basting, you should do so roughly every 15 minutes or so for a golden, flavorful, and crispy skin to form.

– Continue grilling with the lid closed, periodically checking the internal temperature and adjusting the heat as needed.

The flipping step is not necessary if you spatchcocked your chicken .

7. Checking Doneness:
– The chicken is ready when the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C) in the thickest part of the thigh, without touching the bone. Use a meat thermometer to accurately measure the temperature.

8. Resting and Carving:
– Once the chicken reaches the desired temperature, carefully remove it from the grill and let it rest for about 10 minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat for maximum tenderness.
– Carve the chicken by separating the legs, wings, and breast, using a sharp knife or kitchen shears. Serve the grilled whole chicken pieces on a platter or individual plates.

9. Enjoying the Grilled Whole Chicken:
– Serve the grilled chicken hot, garnished with fresh herbs for a vibrant touch.
– Accompany it with your favorite side dishes such as roasted vegetables, grilled corn, or a refreshing salad.

Grilling a whole chicken creates a remarkable centerpiece for any meal, combining smoky flavors, crispy skin, and succulent meat. By following these steps, you’ll be able to master the art of grilling a whole chicken and delight your guests with an unforgettable dining experience. Enjoy the juicy and flavorful results of your grilled whole chicken creation!

Recipe for a Whole Grilled Chicken Herb Basted

Herb-Basted Whole Grilled Chicken: A Fragrant and Flavorful Delight


– 1 whole chicken (approximately 4-5 pounds)
– 4 tablespoons butter, softened
– 2 tablespoons fresh herbs (such as rosemary, thyme, or a combination), chopped
– 2 cloves garlic, minced
– 1 tablespoon lemon juice
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
– Optional: additional herbs for garnish


1. Preparing the Herb Basting Mixture:
– In a small bowl, combine the softened butter, chopped fresh herbs, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, and black pepper. Mix well until the ingredients are thoroughly incorporated.

2. Preparing the Chicken:
– Rinse the chicken under cold water and pat it dry with paper towels.
– Place the chicken on a cutting board or a large platter.
– Carefully loosen the skin of the chicken by gently sliding your fingers between the skin and the meat, being careful not to tear the skin.

3. Basting the Chicken:
– Take about half of the herb basting mixture and spread it evenly under the loosened skin, directly onto the meat.
– Use the remaining basting mixture to coat the outside of the chicken, rubbing it all over the skin, including the breast, thighs, and drumsticks.
– Ensure that the chicken is thoroughly coated with the herb mixture for maximum flavor.

4. Preheating the Grill:
– Preheat your grill to medium heat, approximately 350°F to 400°F (175°C to 200°C). Make sure to have both direct and indirect heat zones available.

5. Grilling the Chicken:
– Place the basted whole chicken on the grill, skin side up, over the indirect heat zone.
– Close the grill lid and let the chicken cook for approximately 15-20 minutes per pound, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C) when measured in the thickest part of the thigh.
– While grilling, periodically check the chicken and rotate it if necessary to ensure even cooking.


The herb basting mixture adds a fragrant and savory touch to the grilled whole chicken, elevating its flavor and aroma to new heights. The combination of fresh herbs, garlic, and lemon juice infuses the chicken with a delightful zest. By following this recipe, you’ll create a mouthwatering grilled chicken that’s juicy, tender, and bursting with herbaceous goodness. Enjoy the herb-basted whole chicken as the star of your next barbecue or family gathering.

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